Sunday, 8 February 2015


The Grammy's 

               Rihanna : this kinda looks like one of those barbie cakes that my mum would                                                              make me for my birthday when i was like 3

Iggy Azalea
I am such a fan of this lady love what she is wearing and i love how she kept her makeup neutral and hair very casual but classy 

Jessie J 
                         i mean this girl never dissapoints me always looking so pure and class love this dress and i love it on her !

                                                        major case of  mutton dressed as lamb!

                                                                       Nicki Minaj
                                 Not a massive fan of nicki but i must say that she looks so elegant in this


Charlie XCX 

                                                                    Kim Kardashian West
                                                                Not A Huge fan but i like this

Lady Gaga Perfect !

                                                                        Miley Cyrus
                                                           love this but would of looked better in white

Iggy Azalea 
love this color for her 

                                                                       Meghan Trainor
                                                                       such class . love it

                                                                  Queen B never disappoints

Katy Perry 
reminds me of burlesque very fitted for katy ! 

                                                                            Taylor Swift
                                                      i want to do my formal all over again and wear
                                                     this OMG  this  is seriously my number one fave !

Gwen Stefani 
           I love jumpsuits and this is perfect . but a little disappointed  there is no red lipstick 

i need of a weekend like this



I know it's common for us to lie ,but why ? i just don't get it especially when someone grows on you , you let your guard down and emotions and feelings set it and once you have heard the worst your fucked , literally ! what do you do . you think to yourself whats the point of going through the cycle again the cycle of learning to trust people again putting yourself out there and setting yourself up for failure ? i mean i would be lying  if i said i never lie we all do it . but sometimes lying can be the trigger to everything going down hill fast and quick . and you really have no idea how to stop it because in reality the damage has already been done things have already been said in the heat of the moment and you feel like the biggest cunt for not saying anything or putting a stop to it earlier.